Basic Beliefs

While stating what we believe is helpful, such information can’t really tell you who we are. The best way to learn about Crossings is to experience it on a relational level by connecting with others in the life of the church. Do you need to believe these things to attend our church? Absolutely not… all are welcome! This is merely to give you an overview and understanding of where we are coming from as a church.



We believe there is one God who exists in three distinct persons… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…each possessing the same divine nature, attributes, and infinite perfection. As creator and sustainer of all life He alone is worthy of our allegiance, our worship, and our lives.


We believe that Jesus is the second person of the trinity, the only son of God, who took on flesh and blood to show us how life is to be lived and give His life as the only savior of the world.

the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, and indwells every Christ Follower to provide the power, companionship, and leading necessary to experience the reality of God and accomplish His divine purpose in and through their lives.

The Bible

We believe the entire Bible is the infallible, inspired and divine revelation of God.


We believe humans were created in the image of God as eternal beings to live in perfect relationship with God and one another. But sin, a violation of the holiness and character of God, destroys these relationships, and apart from salvation humanity will remain in this disconnected state both in this life and for all eternity.


Humanity is incapable on its own of establishing a relationship with God. The demands of a holy God requires death for sin, and it is Jesus alone, the sinless Lamb of God, who satisfies this demand through His death and resurrection of Jesus as the complete and total payment for sin.

The Church

Church is the visible expression of Jesus on the earth, referred to in Scripture as the “Body of Christ”. Made up of all who have placed their faith in the completed work of Christ on the cross, the church functions as a local community of worshippers who unite to live out the very heart and soul of God in caring for one another and extending His compassion, love, and truth to a needy world.

Christian Life

Being a Christian, a follower of Jesus, is not simply a system of belief but a vital relationship with Go that expresses itself in living in the way of Jesus. With every Christ follower being resourced with the power of the Holy Spirit, the truth of the Scriptures, and local church, the expectation is one of continual life-change in being conformed to the very likeness of Jesus in both His person and purpose.